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Most people know that fiber supports digestive health.

However, fiber offers additional benefits beyond aiding digestion.

It can help mitigate the effects of excess dietary carbohydrates and cholesterol on the body. Soluble fibers, in particular, play a crucial role in maintaining healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Unfortunately, the prevalence of processed foods and modern farming techniques has resulted in higher sugar levels and lower fiber content in our diets.

Unicity Balance Natural Orange is a pre-meal drink featuring a proprietary fiber matrix enriched with bioactive plant compounds, polysaccharides, and micronutrients.

This unique blend is designed to reduce the impact of excess dietary carbohydrates and cholesterol on the body. Additionally, Balance Natural Orange provides essential vitamins, minerals, and soluble fibers to help curb your appetite, all without artificial flavors or sweeteners.

Balance is a part of Feel Great!

Balance supports Metabolic Health

Dr. Ben Bikman discusses intermittent fasting, GLP-1 agonists, and Unicity’s Feel Great approach. Learn about what GLP-1 does for the body, what happens when you get too much of it, and what you can do to increase GLP-1 levels naturally. Dr. Bikman also discusses how Unicity Unimate and the Feel Great system support GLP-1 production and overall metabolic health by helping you develop good long-term habits for your health.

What People are saying about Balance

Improved A1C


In 3 months I lost 25 pounds and my A1C went from 14,4 to 7.7

Reduced RX


I used Balance to reduce my dependance on heart medications. My blood pressure is better and I lost weight at 65.

Improved GI


Balance has helped with my GI issues. My skin improved, my sleep improved, I have energy again! I also have less pain in my joints. Now I walk 3 days a week!

Take the first step towards a healthier lifestyle today.

Book a discovery call now and embark on your journey to better health and wellness

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